23 September 2024 (Monday)
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Chamber Concert I. Yoon-Hee Kim, Solo ViolinSoma Balazs-Piri, Piano J. S. Bach: Partita for Solo Violin No.1 in B minor, BWV
A hagyományteremtő Szt. Gellért Fesztivál felemelő művészi, kulturális és különleges zenei élményeket ígér, valamint a legnagyobb természetességgel illeszkedik azon törekvések sorába, amelyek Szeged fesztiválvárossá válását segítik.
The tradition-building St. Gellért Festival promises an uplifting artistic, cultural and unique musical experience, and fits naturally into the efforts to make Szeged a festival city.
All concerts are free of charge (except the Early Arrivals Foundation concert).
No pre-registration is required, seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Régió-10. Kft. | Tel: +36-62-710-500 | Email: info@regio10.hu
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Chamber Concert I. Yoon-Hee Kim, Solo ViolinSoma Balazs-Piri, Piano J. S. Bach: Partita for Solo Violin No.1 in B minor, BWV
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Baroque Evening St. Gellert Baroque Players (leader, Monika Tóth, players: Gianni Maraldi, Michal Stahel, Dóra Pétery) J. S. Bach: Goldberg Variations
Klebelsberg Hall, Gál Ferenc University / 17:00 Lectures Prof. József Pál’Ut musica poësis’: Music based poetry Prof. Zoltán JankaHealing and quackery on opera stage Prof.
Grand Hall of Franz Liszt Academy Budapest / 19:30 Orchestra Concert I. Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra and St. Gellert Wind PlayersConductors: Yoon Kuk Lee Violin,
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Orchestra Concert II. Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra and St. Gellert Wind PlayersConductors: Yoon Kuk Lee Violin, Eun Che Kim Piano, Itai
Szeged Cathedral / 19:30 Charity Concert for the foundation Korábban Érkeztem for premature babies and their families with Vera Tóth and her Band. Buy your
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Chamber Concert II. “Hungarian Composers +” Cello, Lila Piano, Itai Navon Piano, Soma Balazs-Piri Soprano, Anastasia Churakova Violin, Eun Che Kim
Szeged Cathedral / 20:00 Chamber Concert III. Violin, Kristóf Baráti Piano, Klara Würtz Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra L. v. BeethovenSonata for Violin and Piano No.
Born and raised in South Korea, Yoon Kuk Lee received his earliest musical training from his mother. At the age of 13, he immigrated with his family to America, where he graduated from a special science and math high school in New York and enrolled at Williams College.
I welcome you warmly to the St. Gellért Music Festival 2024. As always, this year’s program is highly diverse and unique. I invite you to browse through our programs, which range from Bach to Ligeti.